July 21, 2012

Nutella Cookies

I haven't baked cookies for awhile (think, couple of years). In fact, the last time I baked cookies, I used cookie dough and still managed to get unshapely results. So I wasn't too sure whether or not I wanted to try baking cookies from scratch, but I saw this recipe {here} and fell in love. Who doesn't love Nutella? It goes with everything. I can eat it with toast for breakfast or with strawberries for a snack. The best thing about this cookie recipe is that it doesn't require so many ingredients so it's very doable on a college student's budget. 

It bakes a lot faster than cupcakes and tastes just as good! I admit, I was a little skeptical of how it was going to turn out, taste-wise. I thought the Nutella might be overpowering, but these have to be the best homemade cookies. They came out of the oven perfectly shaped and tasted even better than they looked. It was crispy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside. I couldn't have asked for a better re-experience for baking cookies!

In addition to the recipe, I added mini chocolate chips and raisins to the center of my cookies. They looked too plain without some sort of decor. If you prefer cookie balls, roll the cookie dough into 1 inch balls and stick them into the oven without pressing them flat. To press the dough into perfectly shaped cookies, I used the bottom of a half-pint mason jar, but you can also use the bottom of any glass.


Douglas said...

Wow! That looks delicious! Great job!

Choi Olga said...

gosh, they look so yummy~!
Nice blogging~!


Dyn said...

Nice post! I love it! ^^ You have a great blog, mind to follow each other? :)

PS: I don't post shits... :p

See you soon on my blog!

Grace Lee said...

omg i wanna tryyyy haha

tini-tani said...

Hello! Great blog! The last post is very interesting and beautiful! Let's follow each other, if you agree, then let me know!)))

Unknown said...

Yummy! Has to be the best the best recipe I have seen lately... LOVE NUTELLA!
Have a beautiful saturday doll!

Jacquelyn | lark&linen said...

umm that sounds incredible

Allison said...

OMG those look amazing!!

P.S. I'm having an INTERNATIONAL $75 Shopbop giveaway on my blog, so don't forget to enter! :)
A's Fashion Files
$75 Shopbop Giveaway!

paulina said...

it's looking good, delicious! :D

Helen said...

oh these look tasty, I can't buy nutella because I'll eat it all in a week!


Unknown said...

oh my gosh! those look sooo yummy!


Anonymous said...

I have a half jar of Nutella in my cupboard that I've been trying to ignore, but this recipe may be too much for me to handle. Must restrain myself!

Amanda said...

Oh my word those look so yummy! Feel free to mail me a dozen or two :)

Cathy Trails said...

words cannot truly express how OBSESSED I am with Nutella. This recipe will def hit the spot!!

Cathy Trails

becks said...

mMm what a great combo. i love nutella + cookies :)


Fash Boulevard said...

ooo these look amazing. Fabulous post, love! If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest outfit. xo


kobiecymagazyn said...


Gloria said...

Haha that first photo made me giggle :-) Nutella is the best - these cookies look so delicious!

Unknown said...

This looks so yummy! I feel like my boyfriend would do the same thing, especially with anything made with nutella. Cute photo!

Love & Whimsy

Clara Turbay said...

Whenever I visit your blog find good ideas.

canvasofculture said...

these look great! such a cute blog:)

Stephanie said...

Oh goodness these look delicious. I totally want to hightail it to my kitchen and make some!

Liz Stanley said...

These look so good, thanks for sharing and very cute blog.

Unknown said...

thanks for all the comments! i agree , lets follow each other! xx

Anonymous said...

Great post - I loved reading this! I just came across your blog - it's great, and it would be awesome to keep in contact with you. I'd love for you to pop by my blog sometime, and if you like it, we can follow each other :) Go ahead and follow me if you like what you see, and I promise I'll follow back!
xoxo, Veena

Twitter: @VeenaMcCoole


cute blog!
and omg these look so yummy! i havent done any baking in so lond, i need to get back into it haha!



NaNa said...

Oh yum! Even the sound of this is good, it must taste divine!! =) mmmm nutella <3

Anna @ FEED ME NANA xoxo

Tiffo said...

Douglas, didn´t anybody ever tell you not to play with your food?

Audrey Leighton said...

These look amazing, thanks for the recipe!

Be Frassy

Hannah said...

These look completely delicious! You can't go wrong with Nutella.

Abigail said...

These look wonderful! I may have to try these out myself...

Also, is your blog title referring to Eat Pray Love? One of my absolute favorite books!!!



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